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{ Monthly Archives } December 2002

White Elephant

Where does this term come from, ‘White Elephant’? This is my first experience with a party of this type. It should be an interesting experience. It is being organized and sponsored by the managers and supervisors at my place of employment. My boss is unable to attend, but he gave me a few tips in […]

Sad Day

A sad day for Stereolab fans everywhere. They are one of my favorite bands. My buddy Doug introduced them to me in High School, and they have powered many a drive to the mountains during college. I never knew much about them, I didn’t know any of the bandmembers’ names (until today), but I always […]

Austin Powers in…

The Dumbest Movie Ever. Okay, that’s a little harsh. Goldmember wasn’t a terrible movie, but I do think it was the worst of the three. I admit I laughed pretty hard when Dr. Evil got hit with the “meteor”. Other parts were very funny as well. However, when a movie becomes aware that it is […]

Nice weekend

This weekend was our one-year wedding anniversary! Can you believe it? We had ski clinics on Saturday and Sunday, so we had just planned to go out to dinner to celebrate. However, Sonja was secretly planning something else. After skiing on Saturday, she nonchalantly said, “Let’s go to Red Wing”. Since we had planned to […]

Harry Potter

My 4 word movie review: Wait for the DVD. This movie was missing much of the ‘magic’ (sorry) that the first one brought to the screen. About 30 minutes till the end you will be looking at your watching, hoping it’s over soon. The running time between the two is like a 10 minute difference. […]

Speaking of bought CDNow today… I’ll take a shot in the dark, but I’d have to say that they just snapped up their largest competitor in the online music sales area. Is Amazon turning into an online megastore or what? Besides the main Amazon stuff, they are offering Target, Marshall Fields, Gap, Toys ‘R’ Us, Babies […] and your sanity

I’m going to miss one of my goals for the holiday shopping season. But just barely. And with good reason. I was hoping to not step foot inside of a mall, major retail store, etc. in search of Christmas presents this year. All the people, clamoring for the latest and greatest, storming Wal-Mart when the […]