USA Oui! Bush Non!
I am definately not anti-American. But I sure disagree with how we conduct ourselves in the larger world. There is only one person I respect in Bush’s administration: Colin Powell. If that man were President, I suspect things would be different.
This is another interesting article. I was chatting with a co-worker about the deafening silence from the press in criticizing Bush. We need more criticism.
As I was driving the other day, I saw a billboard that said: America is Unity. I have to respectfully disagree. I think America is Diversity
It’s not, “You’re with us or you’re against us.” Whoever said that is an idiot.
Oh, hello President Bush.
Oh AJ, i have wanted to comment on this for awhile. I have to say I do not want to go to war…I really don’t think anyone does…however, if you look at this situation, it really does mirror exactly what pre-world war II germany looked like, only in the middle east. Saddam is not a world leader who we are trying to dipose to get to his oil, sadamm is a genuinely evil human, and will stop at nothing to kill americans, isrealies, and even his own people. Have you read about after he invaded kuwait, he sistematically gases and tortured his own residents…the kurds, killing more than a million of them. Right now Slobidan Milosivitch is sitting in the Hauge getting is trial for crimes against Humanity, he killed much much less than what sadamm has killed of his own people. to let this man continue to go against UN laws, and even on just the basis of human rights, this man needs to be diposed. I don’t think you or any of the other anti-war people have realized, or even thought about what leaving him in power will do to the region. Sadamn in not a simple ruler that happens to be a thorn in the side of Bush. I don’t like the fact we have bush as a president, I would love to see Colin Powell, but the fact remains that sadamn now is exactly what hitler was in 1939. Do you mean to tell me you would not have done anything to dipose Hitler in 1939 to save 10 million people their lives because what he was doing was over in germany? Sadamn is doing the exact same thing, and as the only remaining world power with the money and ability to stop him, we are required not only by the UN but for basic human rights in the middle east. Why are you supporting a guy who will not give basic rights to any women in his country, why do you support a man who continually kills his own people, why if you have the power to do womthing do you do nothing and critisize those who want to help the people of Iraq and the Middle east? You want ot blame this on Oil? that is a sad excuse for inaction. I am willing to put my life on the line to give others basic human freedoms and rights, and they are not even american citizens. Freedom is something I think we take for granted…I would give my life to see that other s would have a taste for what I have grown up with…I am ashamed that people would be so selfish to belive that sadamn is not our problem, he is everyone’s problem, anyone who stands in the way of basic freedoms for all is a problem. This was not ment to attack you in any way AJ, you are one of my best friends, but I am sick and tired of people sending me petitions to sign and hollywood petitions to sign and send to our leaders…they are doing what is right for the world, even if you are selfish enough to think none of this effects us, except oil prices…if paying 3 bucks a gallon means freedom for Iraq and it’s people, so be it. As an american, AJ, you need to realize we are never going to be popular in europe or anywhere, but as americans we have a duty to protect all and offer all the basics of human rights, and to portect those that want them. I know you feel that war is not the answer, but unfortunetly it is the only thing that Sadamn knows, and the only thing that wil work.. Do you realize how long the UN has tried to get him to comply to human rights standards? this is not about weapons of mass distruction, this is about human rights and diposing a evil, hatful dictator, and restoring freedom to Iraq.
Luke Stumme
I was doing my daily routine of stalking old classmates and came across your page. (Okay, actually it was given to me by those Kaji people). Given I don’t see a good place to just say hey!, I’ll respond to your statement that today ‘American means Diversity’, not Unity.
Always good to see some news on an old friend. Sounds like things are going well.