Saddam is a bad man
I feel I should clarify my position on the whole Iraq war, President Bush thing. At least for myself, because it’s confusing just thinking about it.
I have no doubt that Saddam is a bad person, evil even. I am sure that he has researched, and used chemical weapons. I think there is evidence of this. I am sure he has tortured and killed his own people, and basically rules the country with an iron fist. I would not want to be living in Iraq under his regime.
I also think that President Bush, and our government as a whole, does not always act in the best interests of the citizens of this world. The government probably acts with the best interests of American citizens in mind, (most of the time), but rarely (if ever) would our government act purely in the best interests of a group of people other than our own. Rarely do we show any sort of patience in dealing with the rest of the world when it comes to issues confronting the EU, the UN, etc.
Since we are the defacto world power now, we should act in the interests of others. That should be our mandate. Why? Because we can! We have no reason to make our economy any stronger, or our military any mightier. I read somewhere today that we’re at level 10, we’re at the top, and instead of dedicating our massive resources to developing countries to help them get from level 1 to level 2, we’re out there trying to get to level 11.
Of course by going to war, we can say we are acting in the best interest of the Iraqi people. Are we? We’ve left them there for the past 12 years, and now it has become an issue?
Anyways, war is always bad. It is never something we should enter into on a whim, without exhausting every option. Have we, as a country, exhausted every option? Have we built a broad consensus? We haven’t, and it will reflect very poorly on our already tarnished world image.
Bush and his buddies have been claiming that they ‘know’ Saddam is evil, that he has WMD, he’s torturing his people, starving them, etc. They also claim they have evidence of this. So I say to them, out with it. If this evidence is so sound, that it implicates Saddam and his government of everything Bush has accused them of in the past year, then I think that we will gain the broad coalition that we need to remove Saddam from power.
If this evidence is not so sound, then the inspections must continue. We must exhaust every single dimplomatic and economic pressure that we can lay on Iraq before turning to war. I don’t think anyone is doubting that we have military might unmatched by any country in the world. I’m not worried about that. I’m worried that we go off, by ourselves, and attack, just or not. This incites a new wave of anti-americanism and terrorism unseen to this point. What have we accomplished? We’ve removed Saddam and installed a ‘democratic’ government in the center of the anti-america. We just pissed off the majority of our European friends. We’ve pissed off China, the Koreas, and the Soviet Union. And we’ve pissed off a whole group of people that are more than happy to sacrifice themselves for their cause.
It is not worth the risk to human lives, home and abroad, to roll in there without a world mandate. With the backing of the UN and all of our strongest allies, our case for removing Saddam is sound. Without those allies, our actions, just or not, will only be seen as America over-reaching its bounds, playing cowboy, etc.
Now if this is another case of a Hitler, doing horrible unspeakable atrocities as we speak, and we have the evidence of this, show the evidence and the world will jump to action. Believe me, there is no one in the world more sensitive to this than the Europeans. Obviously, if there is inaction at that point, then we cannot wait. I highly doubt that faced with undeniable evidence that there would be inaction by the Europeans.
To this point, we have shown no evidence, and given no reason for the rest of the world to think that this is anything but a chance for America to extend its reach, influence and power into another corner of the world.
But I fear it is already too late. Our forces our amassing in the gulf. After an extremely mixed world reaction to the SotU address, we have given Iraq weeks before the bombs start falling. Colin Powell is supposed to present the ‘smoking gun’ evidence in one week. Is it going to sway world opinion? If it doesn’t, Are we going to pull back at this point? Are the cowboys going to put their guns back in the holsters? I doubt it.
I have to say that is one of the best responses I have heard. I totally agree with you on almost all your points. I think Americans in general would agree with you. As Americans, we will never be popular, and I agree that living at number ten and going for eleven is what we have been taught since childhood, and you are correct, something needs to change. The only statement in Bush’s SotU address that I really really agreed with was the fact that he wanted to help Africa out of the Aid’s epidemic, I think if we were to take that stand and that iniative on problems and crises facing the world, we would be doing more than just investing in national interests. I think we need to take more of a human interest than a U.S. interest. Anyway, I just wanted to say I think we are both on the same page…I understand a little more where you are coming from now…talk to you later
I think on this particular subject I have so many ideas I don’t know where to start. First, I believe as a world in general we don’t go after people unless they leave their borders ie. the world didn’t get ruffeled with Hitler still he started taken over other countries, but we never pressed Stalin for the million he killed to maintain his power, or even Saddam himself killing a few hundred thousand kurds in northern Iraq or taking all death row inmates and subjecting them to experimentation to perfect nerve and biological agents. So the world is, I think, not ruffeled with Saddam because he hasn’t broken the don’t mess with other peoples stuff rule. however, I do believe the governments of Germany and France are MORE ruffeled by the fact that the US is now the only super power (not that we can keep that forever) and keeping the US at bay and under control is a higher priority than ousting Saddam. Second, on the home front, I am possitive that going to war with Iraq is a neccessary thing but not for the normal reason of teaching Saddam a lesson. I think we need to go up against Saddam because we as a nation have been painted into a corner. With the UN resolution in place we have told Saddam put up or shut up and obviously he still wishes to test the resolve of not only the UN but also the US. If we were not to “stand our ground” against Saddam we would not only be telling him our threats and resolve are meaningless but we would encourage and embolden every other anti-US organization and country to attack and take us on because we are a bully that will turn tail and run when it gets down to it. Now is Iraq and immanent threat? No. An inderect threat? most definately. If Saddam were gone then the financial backing and training of Iraq would no longer be given to islamic freakers that attack and suicide bomb Isreal. Without support the region would be more able to stablize and then talk of a palistine state could move foward making islamic states hate Isreal less and hate the US less because we support Isreal. ultimately war ais a bummer and living in a air force base town it affects so many families here and not to mention those that have to live and rebuild the battle field. Hopefully our nation will hold up to its promise of rebuilding Iraq and then actually earn the respect and right to be called a super power.
Humans are not evil. Bush is not evil either. He just has too much power for his own good. Humans get carried away once they get alot of power. If Sadam was really evil, he would’ve bombed USA b4 they bombed him. He was clearly capable of at least one bombing in his life..