Archive for January, 2003

The United States Has Gone Mad

An important article that I think everyone should read.

The reaction to 9/11 is beyond anything Osama bin Laden could have hoped for in his nastiest dreams. As in McCarthy times, the freedoms that have made America the envy of the world are being systematically eroded. The combination of compliant US media and vested corporate interests is once more ensuring that a debate that should be ringing out in every town square is confined to the loftier columns of the East Coast press.

and later on…

Last Friday a friend of mine in California drove to his local supermarket with a sticker on his car saying: “Peace is also Patriotic”. It was gone by the time he’d finished shopping.

Where can I get one of those stickers?

Stupid Bartolo Colon

Ahh the Hot Stove is fired up!

The White Sox picked up Bartolo Colon in a trade today. Twins fans’ collective blood pressure rose slightly. The AL Central won’t be quite the walk it was last year.

On the other hand, he was 1-1 with a 9.00 ERA against the Twins last year. That’s not looking too bad for us.

(Does anyone know of a good stats site that has player vs. team breakdowns?) (Not like anyone reads my website anyways)


We finally got some snow up here, and I’m much happier because of it. One of the great things about Minnesota is the snow, and the cold. Take away the snow, and the cold instantly becomes your nemesis. Times you could spend trudging through the snow on snowshoes become hours inside looking at the bleak brown landscape. Skiing on man-made snow overlooking the brown valley just doesn’t have the same feeling as looking around at snow covered trees while you schuss down the slopes.

Well, anyways… now if we could just get a litte more snow. 🙂


I can’t wait to get home and try out iCommune. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for, and may actually turn out to be a better solution than Apple’s forthcoming Rendezvous support for iTunes. Rendezvous is cool, but my local network consists of basically me. I need to be able to share with my family and friends.

New Safari Build

There is a new Safari build available, however, I have no idea what is fixed. I’m sure the notes will pop up soon, somewhere.

In other news…

I wore brown socks with my black pants and shoes today. I’m the fashion master!

We watched The Good Girl last night. It was an interesting movie, some good humor in there, and it was also pretty intense and dark. Definately not a feel good type movie. I’d say 4 out of 5 stars.

Missed Puppy Class

Well, we missed puppy class due to our vet being a little late for the checkup due to some emergencies. No problem, we’ll just have to take Yeti on Monday next week. And I’ll remember the digital camera this time…

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