Americans are Confused?

I’m dumbfounded by the statistics quoted in this article

“To the best of your knowledge, how many of the September 11 hijackers were Iraqi citizens?”

(you’ll have to click the “free day pass” link to get to the article)

If you didn’t get that question right, please, please, please do some reading and learn about what’s going on in the world. TV is not going to give you the straight info.

1 Comment so far

  1. luke stumme on February 7th, 2003

    Aj, I think that is a really good point. I find it even more odd that most of the hijakers were saudi, and we seem to have a “great” relationship with them. I remember reading an article that mentioned the anger the government had with the saudis, but when someone is responsible for 70-90 percent of your oil, you kinda back off. I do find it interesting that we have turned to Sadaam. I think it must be a combination of anger over the inabliity of us catching osama and turning our anger on something else…anyway, you should read everyday, I think it has some great news articles…have a good day