Archive for February, 2003
I have to go to the dentist today,
Every year those dentists make me pay,
Sit in the big chair, hands everywhere,
In your mouth, feeling your teeth.
Looking for specks of what you eat,
Gurgles and vacuums and buzzing and scraping,
“Have you been flossing and brushing twice daily?”
“Well, umm no, not quite, a little, not really,”
They shake their heads with a look of disgust,
“Oh please not the drill, I was promised no drilling!”
They poke and they prod a little bit more,
Does this hurt here? Or this or over there?
“Well you look clean this time, you were lucky.”
I hop out of the chair, smile fresh and new,
My new floss and new brush are pocketed quickly,
I jump in the car, rev it for good measure,
As I merge and rocket out of view,
I think,
Maybe I should start flossing every day?
The week before I go to the dentist is good…
Articles for the day…
(you’ll need a nytimes registration to access the first two. it’s free.)
“The North Korean nuclear crisis is far more perilous than many people realize.”
When the Challenger blew up, I was watching with the rest of the school on television. They sent us home and I cried all the way as I walked through the woods to my house. I had dreamt, like lots of kids, of growing up to be an astronaut and traveling to space. Space Camp is probably my favorite movie of all time. Today I better understand the risks involved with going to space. And so did the astronauts. It’s pretty amazing, given the technology of the space shuttle, (> 20 years old) and just pure number of things that could go wrong with spaceflight, that this is only the third time NASA has lost astronauts due to catastrophe. But still, they were up there pushing us forward, making progress. The media down here keeps dragging us back to a comfortable place where everything is okay. Unfortunately, everything is not okay. We’re about to go to war with two countries, our personal freedoms are being hijacked. And what can I do about it? I sit here and work everyday, trying to make money to pay for the house, the car. Buy food. And guess what? I am a happy person. Are Americans just happily ignorant of what’s really going on in the world? Is that why almost no one is speaking up? Is that why less than half of us vote?
Crap I have no idea. Maybe one of these days, one of these posts will actually make sense.
(BTW Dad- I posted this at lunch)