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{ Monthly Archives } February 2003

Article for the day…

“Donít kid yourself that Saddam might really have nothing to hide. Of course he does.”

Spring is just around the corner…

One week from today- Pitchers and catchers. 🙂


I have to go to the dentist today, Every year those dentists make me pay, Sit in the big chair, hands everywhere, In your mouth, feeling your teeth. Looking for specks of what you eat, Gurgles and vacuums and buzzing and scraping, “Have you been flossing and brushing twice daily?” “Well, umm no, not quite, […]

Articles for the day…

(you’ll need a nytimes registration to access the first two. it’s free.) “The North Korean nuclear crisis is far more perilous than many people realize.” “…our current approach ó using hugely expensive rockets to launch a handful of people into space, where they have nothing much to do ó is a dead end. “ When […]