Archive for June, 2003

Brain Tests!

I love these things! Thanks John!

Your Brain Usage Profile

Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 27%
Right : 72%

A.J., you are moderately right-hemisphere dominant and have even preferences between auditory and visual processing, traits that might make people perceive you as “slightly off balance.”

Go take the Mind Media Brain Persuasion Test, it was fun!

Read on for the whole description…

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yeah that’s a big old free marketing plug for them. oh well, the album is sweet.

many people over the years (since radiohead got “weird”) have asked me how in the world I can listen to them. they’re so weird and dreary and depressing! they say.

there are radiohead songs that give me the goosebumps everytime i hear them. the music just affects me like none other that exists. can’t explain it. they make music worth listening to.

iTrip Review

Quick review of the iTrip.

An excellent design that perfectly complements the iPod.

Draws its power right from the iPod.

Changing the station you transmit on is unfortunately a pain. You have to stop the song, go find the station mp3 file. Play it. Then return to your music. No switches to flick or anything.

On the other hand, you have access to any station on the FM dial.

On the other, other hand you’ll have to find a clear one. The transmission is no stronger or clearer than other FM transmitters. There is no drift or retuning once you get it though.

A cassette adapter still sounds better. But for those with no cassette adapter, this is a perfect choice. It also works great in a house. I can tune my two home stereos to it and it’ll play on both. Great for a party.

4 out of 5.

Finding Nemo

nemo.jpgWe went to see Finding Nemo last week. The movie was wonderful. The cheesy disney-moment count was only 1. Good score. The animation was amazing. There are once again funny little adult jokes peppered into the script. They showed a trailer for “The Incredibles” and that looks absolutely hilarious. Pixar just keeps knocking them out, and I love it!

Little Birdie!

little_robin.jpgI came home for lunch today, and while I was spooning up a big heap of peanut butter on to my toast, I noticed this wee little thing. I almost inadvertently killed it when yeti tried to squeeze through the door to attack it. All was well though, and I snapped this picture.

It’s been awhile…

Well. it’s been a while since I’ve posted… here’s comes a flurry of stuff I’ve been saving up, or rather, neglected to post since it wasn’t all that important.

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