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{ Monthly Archives } June 2003

Brain Tests!

I love these things! Thanks John! Your Brain Usage Profile Auditory : 47% Visual : 52% Left : 27% Right : 72% A.J., you are moderately right-hemisphere dominant and have even preferences between auditory and visual processing, traits that might make people perceive you as “slightly off balance.” Go take the Mind Media Brain Persuasion […]


yeah that’s a big old free marketing plug for them. oh well, the album is sweet. many people over the years (since radiohead got “weird”) have asked me how in the world I can listen to them. they’re so weird and dreary and depressing! they say. there are radiohead songs that give me the goosebumps […]

iTrip Review

Quick review of the iTrip. An excellent design that perfectly complements the iPod. Draws its power right from the iPod. Changing the station you transmit on is unfortunately a pain. You have to stop the song, go find the station mp3 file. Play it. Then return to your music. No switches to flick or anything. […]

Finding Nemo

We went to see Finding Nemo last week. The movie was wonderful. The cheesy disney-moment count was only 1. Good score. The animation was amazing. There are once again funny little adult jokes peppered into the script. They showed a trailer for “The Incredibles” and that looks absolutely hilarious. Pixar just keeps knocking them out, […]

Little Birdie!

I came home for lunch today, and while I was spooning up a big heap of peanut butter on to my toast, I noticed this wee little thing. I almost inadvertently killed it when yeti tried to squeeze through the door to attack it. All was well though, and I snapped this picture.

It’s been awhile…

Well. it’s been a while since I’ve posted… here’s comes a flurry of stuff I’ve been saving up, or rather, neglected to post since it wasn’t all that important.