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{ Monthly Archives } September 2003

Rain Rain, Glorious Rain!

I am pleased to report, it’s raining. Or at least it was. We honestly haven’t had rain in about a month and a half, and the landscape was looking pretty dry. I’m in a constant state of flux regarding what my favorite season is. Right now it’s fall. Fall is so wonderful because the temperatures […]

Squandering Goodwill

Excellent Op-Ed in the Star Tribune Editorial: Iraq / Creating a threat where none existed Most of the world now regards the United States as an arrogant cowboy nation that believes its military and economic might gives it the right to behave as it desires anywhere.

General Tso

Have you ever wondered? Who Was General Tso And Why Are We Eating His Chicken?


Bush Foreign Policy and Harsh Reality The harsh reality of Iraq, where the American military proved easily able to win a war but cannot yet fashion peace, has all but overwhelmed other calculations, not only in the administration but in Congress. Lawmakers entering a campaign season returned from summer recess this week after hearing constituents’ […]

Busy Busy

Well, it’s been a busy week and I know my legions of fans have been waiting breathlessly for the conclusion of my Radiohead concert report. Patience, young padowan. Besides the conclusion isn’t nearly as exciting as the pre-amble. The music rocked. I shouldn’t have drank so much water before hand. But I’ll fill in the […]