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{ Monthly Archives } October 2003

Voting in the 21st Century

I’ve just found this excellent article entitled,All The President’s Votes? over at The Independent. Any American not living in a cave knows about the Florida debacle in our last Presidential election, and the subsequent push towards modern voting systems. Many states have rushed to implement touch-screeen systems, and there is a large amount of federal […]

Whew Up Late

And I’ve found out.. I just suck at Hearts. I always want to shoot the moon and nobody is helping me out here.

Apples and Oranges?

There is no end to the adventures we can have if we seek them with our eyes wide open.

Cubs Win!

Now that I’m a Cubs fan for the remainder of the season, I’ve been following with interest stories about them in news. Because we all know, if the Cubs and Red Sox get to the World Series… it could be the end of the world as we know it. Along those lines, I came across […]

Welcome to Caleeforneea

This ought to be good. Although coming from a state that elected Jesse “The Body” Ventura as its govenor, it might not be all bad. In fact… I’d rather have Jesse than Pawlenty. Here’s one Why I Voted for Arnold article that is fairly convincing. Regardless, the whole thing is a sham. It’s all been […]

Exciting Offseason for the Twins

The Twins are facing some interesting decisions this offseason. If I were the GM, here’s what I’d do: Sign Hawkins for 3 years, Stewart for 2, and Guardado for 2 years. Trade Jacque Jones for some middle infield prospects Let Rick Reed, The Gambler (Kenny Rogers), and Chris Gomez go. Here’s what our roster would […]

Obligatory Reference

One site I read every morning while I eat my Wheaties is I know I repeatedly mention and link to it on these pages… and I know John D. gets pretty tired of me sending him an IM once every couple days telling him to go check it out, but it’s an important site, […]