Archive for October, 2003

Sometimes, you just need an Apple story.

Lick Me, I’m A Macintosh / What the hell is wrong with Apple that they still give a damn about design and packaging and “feel”?

Okay, so this article is a little over the top, but he does do a good job of explaining what that little connection that Apple users feel when they use their computers. I’ve often been asked, why do you use a Mac? Truth be told, all my computing could be handled by a Windows machine, sure, but there’s something else there. Like that old saying, “It’s the journey, not the destination.” Or similar to how funny and cool I think it is that I can roll up the windows and close the sunroof on my Golf with the key. I mean seriously, who thinks of that stuff?

People who care about design, and I’m happy they’re still out there. And I’m hoping they don’t go away, before we’re all living the wal-mart existince.

This is the point. Detail and nuance and texture and a sense of how users actually feel, what makes them smile, what makes the experience worthy and positive and sensual instead of necessary and drab and evil.

How Hard Can It Be?

Mr. President, this is called a telephone

We know that senior administration officials told Robert Novak that she worked for the CIA. Those facts are beyond dispute.

If Bush wants to know who talked to Novak ó if he doesn’t already ó all he has to do is pick up the phone and ask his senior staff who is responsible.

How true is this post on (ahem) the DNC website. Seriously. How many different people could “senior administration officials” be? It has been reported elsewhere, that this leak was actually shopped to about 6 different newspapers, but was only run by Mr. Novak.

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