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{ Monthly Archives } December 2003

Rob Georgia

Hack the Vote Chilling. Inviting Bush supporters to a fund-raiser, the host wrote, “I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” No surprise there. But Walden O’Dell, who says that he wasn’t talking about his business operations, happens to be the chief executive of Diebold Inc., whose touch-screen […]

Holiday Fun

Some holiday fun with Anne and Doug!

Elephants watch DVDs?

Has day-after-thanksgiving shopping gone too far? I think this woman might think so… although she was there for the low, low prices on the good stuff herself…. Woman Trampled in Fla. Shopping Rush Patricia VanLester had her eye on a $29 DVD player, but when the siren blared at 6 a.m. Friday announcing the start […]

Interesting iPod Article

This is a really fun article about the iPod, with really good quotes from Steve Jobs about Michael Dell trying to dance… The Guts of a New Machine Whether the iPod achieves truly mass scale — like, say, the cassette-tape Walkman, which sold an astonishing 186 million units in its first 20 years of existence […]