Archive for January, 2004

State of the Union

(This post is reverse chronological, start at the bottom)

C-Span is the coolest thing in the world… after Tivo and the iPod.

“When our strength abroad is respected, not resented. . . ” only then will our union be strong

The finishing statements of daschle’s speech were very strong. That is the kind of vision and hope that I have for our country.

Daschle is a much smoother speaker…

The democrats are on. Obviously the democrats have a tough road. It’s all about framing the issue. Hopefully they can do it. Nancy is on right now, and I think she is doing a good job of hitting some of the main points of contention, while not seeming soft on terrorism.

Bush just said that the nation has to defend the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is a religious institution, and as the constitution creates a seperation between church and state, I wish bush would stop spending our tax dollars promoting marriage

If America’s health care is the best in the world, why do 43 million people in this country not have it?

I think he just said that he was going to cut the deficit in half in 5 years. I would love to see that happen as they continue to hand out reckless tax cuts.

Why are we holding entire schools back when we could simply hold the kids who fail back?

“No one can now doubt the word of America.” hmm, really? cause you stood there last year and lied to all of us to get into Iraq in the first place

bush agains tries to connect wmd with iraq “We are confronting regimes that support terrorists, and could supply them with chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons”

Favorite moment so far… “Key provisions of the patriot act are set to expire next year” (applause heard, softly but bravely throughout the chamber, as Cheney laughs and Ashcroft smirks)

America as a One-Party State

America as a One-Party State

Today’s hard right seeks total dominion. It’s packing the courts and rigging the rules. The target is not the Democrats but democracy itself.

Look up ‘chilling’ in the dictionary and you will find a URL to this article.

Iowa Caucus

For anyone who hasn’t heard, the iowa caucus was last night…

  1. John Kerry
  2. John Edwards
  3. Howard Dean

It’s a tough finish for Dean in the first round, but I think he’ll bounce back. We’ll see how it plays out, as I’ve told people all along, I’m voting for ABB, but I’ll have to grimace a bit if I have to support a candidate that voted for the war and voted for the Patriot Act.

Of course, whoever the yet-to-be-deterimined candidate is, he’s sure to be better than Bush.

State of the Union address tonight. Have fun, be safe!

Replace Andrew Jackson with Martin Luther King Jr.

It would be awesome if this gained some traction. As they explain on the site, President Jackson isn’t necessarily the best choice for one of our bills: Put Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Twenty-Dollar Bill

We created this web site to start a movement for putting Martin Luther King Jr. on the twenty-dollar bill. King symbolizes the triumph of love over hatred, of nonviolence over violence, and of community values over money values.

No American is more qualified than King to replace Andrew Jackson on the twenty-dollar bill. Jackson’s presidential legacy is marked by the barbaric Indian Removal Act which evicted at least 47,000 Creek, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Cherokee and Seminole Indians from their homes so their land could be turned into cotton-growing slave plantations. The Indian Removal Act led directly to the infamous Trail of Tears, where four thousand Cherokee men, women and children died in a forced march west.

There is a petition that you can sign.

Do online petitions ever work? Can anyone think of an example?


This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve seen. It’s Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in a clip titled, (not by me) Dance Monkey Boy


Montana Pictures


Click for more…

Following up on Dean…

This is a good one… (standard note about clicking through for the free daypass)

Howard Dean is so angry! He has no credibility on foreign policy! He wants to take away your grenade launcher!

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