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{ Monthly Archives } February 2004

Adventures in Dog Ownership

During the day, we keep Yeti in the kennel. Our various experiments with letting her roam free throughout the house during the day have left us with dozens of unmatched socks, shreds of carpet and rug, and bite marks on shoes, cabinets and doors. So we keep her in the kennel now. Getting her to […]

I’ve Been Waiting For This

Alpine Launches World’s First Car Audio Head Units to Allow True Integration with iPod “Alpine’s iPod Ready in-dash receivers will allow iPod users seamless control of up to 10,000 songs easily in their car,” said Stan Ng, Apple’s Director of iPod Product Marketing. “Being able to display song information and browse the iPod’s entire music […]

Did You See President Bush On Meet the Press?

The thing about the Vietnam War that troubles me as I look back was it was a political war. We had politicians making military decisions. . . President Bush on Meet the Press – 2/8/04 Complete Transcript “We had politicians making military decisions.” Funny, that. Could I get a show of hands, how many people […]

Testing Murphy

I just purchased a new handsfree kit for old reliable. how long do you suppose until my old handsfree kit comes out of hiding?

For the Gentleman Making the Album

The gentleman on the right is making an album of songs about the democratic party. He worked with Harry Truman. He walked away before I could find out how to send him this picture. He wanted it for the album cover of his aforementioned album of songs about the democratic party. I’m so glad I […]

Terry McAuliffe in Rochester Today

Today at the Olmsted County Government Center, Terry McAuliffe, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, gave a press conference and answered questions from the crowd. About one hundred people were there, and Mr. McAuliffe spoke briefly about overtime benefits, health care, and how the primary system has been working this year. Afterwards I had a […]

See Which Candidate You Align With…

AOL Presidential Match Main I like these issue quizzes since it allows you to answer without bias towards one candidate or the other. I ended up with Kucinich 100%, Kerry 85%, Dean 81% and then on down from there… to Bush 11% Take the test to see who has your views…