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{ Monthly Archives } February 2004

Butchering the Spanish Language

I’ve just spent the last half hour butchering the spanish language. I need to apologize to the people of guatemala to whom I’ve spoken with on the phone. You have been very nice to this loco norteamericano. If only I had spent more time eschuche en la clase instead of dormÈ en la clase, I […]

I’ve added a new little feature to the site, courtesy of a really cool new website that John Dennett gave me the heads up on. (And patiently explained how to use it when it turned out that I was retarded) The website is called and it’s a “social bookmarking” website. It allows you to […]

Happy Birthday to Me

Thanks to everyone who sent me a card or called or IM’ed to say hi! I don’t know if I feel any older though…

Layout Broken?

Can anyone else confirm that my site looks all crazy under Safari? Update: fixed it…

Groundhog Day

It’s Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter The world’s most famous furry forecaster “saw” his shadow this chilly Groundhog Day morning, which according to tradition means six more weeks of winter. I think we know who to blame for all the hoopla surrounding Groundhog Day. Bill Murray.

Working on Site

I’ve been feeling the urge to switch things up a bit with the design… so you may see you weird things happening in the next few days with the layout…