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{ Monthly Archives } April 2004

The Competitiveness Struggle


Someday, someday soon I will be finally cleaning up the mess of a layout this site has become. Of course I say this now, but the next couple months hold weddings, moving, jobs, travelling, so if I actually get to work on this, it will be a small miracle unto itself. Maybe when MT 3.0 […]

John Ashcroft’s Smear

In an editorial appropriately titled, Mr. Ashcroft’s Smear, the washington post tears into John Ashcroft’s testimony in front of the 9/11 commission. Mr. Ashcroft’s allegations, which triggered criticism and demands for her resignation from prominent Republicans, are grossly unfair. If you didn’t catch this the other day, or maybe you heard Rush Limbaugh accusing Jamie […]

Weapons of Math Instruction

Someone on orkut sent me this… At New York’s Kennedy Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator. At a morning press conference, Attorney General John Ashcroft said […]

Universal Health Care

Here we go again.

OpinionJournal – Peggy Noonan Okay, now I don’t claim to be some sort of expert here. But is Ms. Noonan suggesting that to ask questions is an un-American thing to do? Imagine it is April, 1943 and FDR is meeting with the press. Mr. President, why did you fail us on Dec. 7? You call […]

Private Military Firms (PMFs)

There are so many good articles out there today. I’m trying to post a few of the most interesting that I have found. Warriors for hire in Iraq The Bush administration was unwilling to enlist serious assistance from the United Nations or from most of our NATO allies, but thanks to the PMFs that employ […]