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{ Monthly Archives } April 2004



This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, `An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.’ . . . Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed รณ and no republic can survive. – John F. Kennedy


Baseblogs – Obsessive fans track the national pastime on the Web. By Josh Levin This is a fun article that talks about the proliferation of blogs dedicated to baseball. A subject near and dear to my heart. The author also gives some major props to some of my “hometown blogs”. In fact about two paragraphs […]

Tired, Happy

Needless to say, I’m a bit tired this morning after the big Twins win last night. I didn’t get home until 1 am. But we stayed until the end. Shannon Stewart delivered a 3 run walk off homer to win the game! And man! That new turf sure looks nice. Maybe I can get that […]


Search Engine Google to Offer Free E-Mail But to finance the service, Google will display advertising links tied to the topics discussed within the e-mails. For instance, an e-mail inquiring about an upcoming concert might include an ad from a ticket agency. I’m interested to see what kind of ads pop up for my emails? […]