Breaking the Law
I received a speeding ticket yeseterday. Always a fun time, sitting on the side of the road while the officer writes you up for breaking the law.
I would like to propose a national drive the speed limit week. Everyone will drive the speed limit, and the police departments will crumble under financial duress without all the revenue from speeding tickets.
Ah, well, that will never go over. And I don’t really want to see reduced capacity for law enforcement.
I guess I don’t have a solution. Drive a bit slower maybe?
dude, how fast were you going?
Fast enough to get pulled over…
As one who is in the MN law enforcement database more than enough times for two people, I
would also love to see the lack of law enforcement due to the lack of speeding by all
patrons of the state. Mpls law enforcement is great! Suburb law enforcement is
over-zealous and needs to realx! All it is in the suburbs is a bunch of once picked on
high school kids on a power trip!