Archive for June, 2004


I’m so happy the Lakers lost.

I don’t even follow basketball, but I hate the Lakers. I wish the T-Wolves could have won, but I think this is the next best thing.

Legalizing Torture

Excellent editorial at the Washington Post today (you’ll have to log in): Legalizing Torture

There is no justification, legal or moral, for the judgments made by Mr. Bush’s political appointees at the Justice and Defense departments. Theirs is the logic of criminal regimes, of dictatorships around the world that sanction torture on grounds of “national security.”

Mmmm… Dual 2.5Ghz G5s

Well, Apple today introduced blazing fast new PowerMacs, including a liquid-cooled Dual 2.5Ghz G5.

I don’t have any MIPS MFLOPS SpecInts or anything like that for you, but I do know they are pretty dang fast.

A year or so ago there was the indication that Apple would be getting away from big product announcements at trade shows, developer shows and the like. It looks as though this has come to fruition. Even though WWDC is less than a month away, they’ve had two big product announcements in the past week.

It takes some of the excitement away from MacWorlds (if they continue, even) but it also helps Apple out quite a bit in terms of expectations. As in, “all the rumor sites said there would be new iMacs! But there are no new iMacs!”

Well, I’m looking forward to playing with one of these badboys. I wish I could find a job in which I would have the pleasure of working on one of these machines…

The 700 Club

Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I turned to my wife and said,

“Honey, I think I need to take one my spare fuel containers and get some diesel for my trip down to Rochester tomorrow, just in case.”

With an amused look, she replied, “What on earth would you need that for? Can’t you just fill up in the morning?”

“Yes, but, see, I’m almost to 700 miles on my tank, but I’m not sure if I’ll make it all the way down there without running out, so I want to have some backup. But I have to try for 700, I’M SO CLOSE!”

She just shook her head, and told me to come to bed. I went to sleep deciding that during the drive down, I would decide whether to go for it or now when I was getting close to the Conoco near the Koch refinery. (Where I normally fill up, if possible)

This morning, as I was drawing near to the point of no return, the mental math was running rampant. “Okay, well, if the light isn’t on yet, I should have at least 60 Miles left on this tank, but it’s about 66 miles from here, so I may run out….”

But as I approached the turn, I could see the light was green, so I just kept on going….

About 15 Miles from Rochester, the light turns on…:

The Light is On!

Almost there….

Almost there!



The Final tally, 701.1 Miles

Final tally, 701.1 Miles

I filled up with the Koch Gold in Rochester, 14.46 Gallons, which makes my fuel Mileage 48.5mpg for that tank. Not too bad!

Okay, so yes, I am a super geek. Nothing I can do about that!

Apple – AirPort Express

Wow Wow Wow! AirPort Express

People ask, “A.J., why do you use Apple, PCs are just as good.”

This is why.

Sure other companies make stuff like this. No other company makes products like Apple does with an unreal sense of design, integration, and style.

Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer!

Thanks to my friend Evan, I’ve learned that the Fahrenheit 9/11 trailer is online. Check it out…

(Okay, so it came out a few days ago…)

The Sofa

What I would like to know is, why does it take 8 weeks to get a couch?

Don’t they have a couch factory that just rolls them off the line, and when we want a couch that is in a certain fabric, they just slap it together?

Well, my experiences with the furniture industry have left me wondering about a few other issues as well.

  • How is it that JC Penney Home has a one-day-only 40%-off sale nearly once a week? Who would buy something during the rest of the week?
  • Why does Marshall Fields have the exact same couch as JC Penney’s but with a different name on it and another $300 on the price tag?

There are others, I suppose, but for now, I will ponder these questions for the next 8 weeks or so while we await the arrival of our sofa and chair.

I hope they fit down in the basement…

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