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{ Monthly Archives } June 2004

Light Rail to Open Soon

Pretty soon there will be a little train running back and forth in Minneapolis. The first few days will be a free-for-all. Much like when a new Chipotle opens. People line up out the door and around the block. I’m assuming that the Grand Opening of the Light Rail will be something along these lines. […]

Breaking the Law

I received a speeding ticket yeseterday. Always a fun time, sitting on the side of the road while the officer writes you up for breaking the law. I would like to propose a national drive the speed limit week. Everyone will drive the speed limit, and the police departments will crumble under financial duress without […]

As you can see

I have made a few changes… I was wondering aloud about upgrading to MT 3.0 when it was released, however, instead of doing that, I thought what the heck, why not try WordPress? So here I am. And so far, I like it. Obviously the design of the site is now a bit, well, default […]

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Honestly, it’s been raining for about a month straight! Memorial Day has come and gone, I was up at the cabin for about 26 hours, which is not nearly enough time to settle in and enjoy, but enough time to say hi to some family that I haven’t seen in a while. It used to […]