Honestly, it’s been raining for about a month straight!
Memorial Day has come and gone, I was up at the cabin for about 26 hours, which is not nearly enough time to settle in and enjoy, but enough time to say hi to some family that I haven’t seen in a while.
It used to be tradition to jump in the lake on Memorial Day. It was supposed to mark the beginning of summer, or at least that the long warm days and nights of summer were just around the corner.
There was absolutely no way I was getting in the lake this year. I had pretty much sealed that decision before I even arrived. The leaves on the trees still looked pretty thin and cold. Unsure about whether it was time to appear or if more chilly days were around the corner. When the leaves look more like April than May, you know it’s not a good tiime to jump in the lake.
As it turned out, the lake was 62 degrees. not so cold that I couldn’t have jumped in, had I wanted to. But still pretty dang cold.
So another Memorial Day has come and gone. We’re all back at work and school now, myself looking out at the rain and wondering when summer is really going to make an appearance. Hopefully soon…
Mini Update (6/2/04 @ 4:46PM) – In the process of upgrading this site, I was looking back at some of my old posts, and about 9 months ago to the day I was whining about how it hadn’t rained in a month. I guess the grass is always greener.