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{ Monthly Archives } September 2004

Why You Should Ignore The Gallup Poll This Morning – And Maybe Other Gallup Polls As Well

The Left Coaster: Why You Should Ignore The Gallup Poll This Morning – And Maybe Other Gallup Polls As Well I thought the most recent Gallup poll smelled funny.


From the introduction of President Bush at his rally in Rochester, MN yesterday: Father we are glad for this opportunity today to hear our President, a man you have appointed to lead us as such a time as this. – John C. Steer, Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Rochester I find it hard […]

Oh Muzak!

No one is happier than myself about the continued heavy rotation of Hold On by Wilson Philips on our branch’s Muzak system. Break free, break from the chains…

Labor Day

We’re back from a quick weekend in Colorado for a wedding, and the weather is beautiful today. A nice 50-70 swing in temperature today. We bought some new running shoes yesterday, so I may make my inaugural run in comfortable shoes tonight, although I have to go to the Metropolitan Airports Commision (MAC) meeting this […]

Girlie Men

[Cheney’s speech] . . . signaled that Mr. Cheney and the administration’s other hit men will spend the next two months trying to sell their failed approach to foreign policy, and encouraging Americans to believe that anyone who acknowledges that the United States needs to take a more patient and humble approach to the world […]

Thank You Andrew Sullivan

Andrew Sullivan’s post is an elegant rebuttal to Zell Miller’s speech. Zell Miller’s address will, I think, go down as a critical moment in this campaign, and maybe in the history of the Republican party. I kept thinking of the contrast with the Democrats’ keynote speaker, Barack Obama, a post-racial, smiling, expansive young American, speaking […]

Social Security IS In Crisis

I subscribe to the American Progress report, a daily email update of links and news. I am generally supportive of the points that they make, but this just blew me away. SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT IN CRISIS: According to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office, over the next 75 years, the Social Security […]