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{ Monthly Archives } June 2005

Macintosh on Intel

Apple announced today what once seemed impossible. They are transitioning the Macintosh to Intel processors. For all the news and hype this will generate, for the people who matter, the users, it is basically a non-issue. Apple has the engineering prowess to pull this off, as they have in the past with similar changes. The […]

Bagel Biter Originally uploaded by ajc3. I found this funny for some reason…


Just decided to give Netflix a two week trial. Are you on Netflix? After that post about movielens, it occured to me that Netflix must do the same thing… and it does. Multiple profiles on your account, seperate ratings, recommendations for your friends. I can tell I’m going to be hooked. I know people (jgd3) […]

Lost in Eden Prairie

It looks like I’m not the only one that gets Lost in Eden Prairie Even the Eden Prairie mayor admits it took her years to confidently find her way around town. “You’d almost think,” sighed Williams, “they didn’t know that people were coming.” Seriously, it’s like the Bermuda Triangle over there. Once you go in, […]


Back in the heyday of the internets (the late 90’s) there were all sorts of free services that offered you interesting information for free… with little or no advertising! Moviecritic was one such site. It capitalized on the power of collaborative filltering to recommend movies to you. Basically you would browse through the movie database, […]