Archive for August, 2005

I’m a Photojournalist

Did you know I had a nascent career in photography? Neither did I! I give thanks to Flickr, and the creative commons license, because I am enjoying 2 seconds of internet fame.

American Public Media’s Marketplace show did a story about green energy, and they used a picture of mine on the web page about the story!

A couple months ago, I took a picture of the BioDiesel tank at the Apple Valley Marathon, posted it to flickr, and tagged it with ‘biodiesel’.

Fast forward to this afternoon, and I received an email from the New Media Director at APR. It said: Thanks for using creative commons, we used a picture of yours, here’s the link back to the story we used it in– which is exactly what is supposed to happen.

One other funny thing about this photo. I took it with my cameraphone! Yep, all 352×288 pixels are living it up! (My digital camera on the other hand, takes something on the order of 2500×1800 pixels, quite a difference in quality)

Anyways, I think it’s pretty cool, check it out, and listen to the story!


Apparently our President has said that “both sides ought to be properly taught” in the “debate” about evolution. I put debate in quotes, because as far as scientists are concerned, there isn’t a debate. The debate has already happened.

More importantly, two really interesting, and hypocritical things are wrapped up in that statement.

  • This is the President who would like us all to believe that there is no grey area, and that you are either “with us or against us”, black and white, good and evil. But in this case, he is simply looking to create grey area, create confusion and doubt.
  • Secondly, (as was recently just said to me), isn’t this like saying we should teach kids racial profiling, so they can understand both sides of the debate? Or we should teach kids to hit each other when they are trying to solve differences (so they can see how that works compared to talking it out). It’s a pretty slippery slope… and it’s the polar opposite position that Bush has taken on every other debate, that it’s his way or the highway. (as they say)

Read the whole article here at the NYTimes: Bush Remarks Roil Debate on Teaching of Evolution

Also, don’t forget about Karl Rove (oh, wait, I guess he never existed (thanks eric)), and his lovely dealings with Robert Novak, and the fact that Bush sidestepped the Senate in appointed John Bolton as our UN Ambassador. Or the new energy bill handout to big Gas and Oil companies. Wouldn’t want to divert your attention. (Ah, dang it! I fell in to their trap! I diverted your attention from real issues!)