Archive for August, 2006

Sesame Street

How many of my peers remember this video from Sesame Street on how crayons are made?

I love youtube!

Hutchinson – Health Care

Hutchinson outlines health care plan:

Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Peter Hutchinson and his physician running mate called Friday for mandatory medical insurance and a statewide indoor workplace smoking ban as part of a broad health care reform plan they said could save Minnesotans $7 billion a year.

I know you all thought I was a flaming liberal, but I’m voting Independent for Governor this year.


whoa! I’ve been sitting at Java Jacks for a good hour now. man how the time flies when you’re drinking espresso and playing on the computer.

time to go clean the house.

Back In The Saddle Again

I took my first bike ride of any significant length this evening after an eight week absence for the collarbone breakage. A nice little cruise with my best lady around lake harriet.

It’s amazing how weak your body can feel after not using it for a while. My shoulder was saying to me, “What’s with all the weight and vibration? I liked the cush life of slow saunters and sashays” Too bad, shoulder, it’s back to work time.