
We got a Wii on Sunday. There is not much more I can say about it that hasn’t been said elsewhere. It is clear to me that they have designed a system that gathers people together to play, instead of isolating people in separate worlds.

Case in point, we just received a message that there was a new channel available, the Everybody Votes Channel! We chose Dartanyan and Pickle to represent us in the world. I guess we’re going to have to log back in and check the results of the "which is more romantic, chocolates or roses" poll. Dartanyan and Pickle both chose Roses. A match made in heaven!

Get a Wii. (If you can find one. And if only I could find another wii-mote)


1 Comment so far

  1. adam recknor on February 14th, 2007

    awesome. i can send my wii code to you and we can swap mii’s. we have had a blast with wii sports, and warioware. i personally am having fun with zelda tp.