Why you should be a Democrat.

So, when it looks like the “other guy” might win… what do you do? Stop counting the votes and call it for your guy.

I’m not saying that there haven’t been infractions from all parties on this, but Democrats always stand for voting rights. Some republicans will do anything in their power to make sure that the wrong people don’t get a chance to vote.

Here’s what Washington GOP chair, Luke Esser, had to say in an article he wrote for his college newspaper.

Like any sport worth its salt, in politics you have adversaries, opponents, enemies. Our enemies are loudmouth leftists and shiftless deadbeats. To win the election, we have to keep as many of these people away from the polls as possible.

Now your average leftist loudmouth is a committed individual and can almost never be persuaded to ignore his constitutional rights. The deadbeats, however, are a different matter entirely. Years of interminable welfare checks and free government services have made these modern-day sloths even more lazy. They will vote on election day, if it isn’t much of a bother. But even the slightest inconvenience can keep them from the polling place.

Now, if you follow the link, you’ll find that this was written as a joke. A funny. A ha – ha.

Doesn’t look so funny after you’ve decided that 13% of your voters don’t matter.

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