brunch for lunch

(i want to start off by noting that 98% of the time, I love the food at my school. there is a wide variety of soups, entries, salads, and desserts. it’s tasty, and it’s free. this post is in no way meant to criticize our food service, which truly does a tremendous job.)

however, about once a month, horrible rhyming words pop up on my calendar. brunch for lunch.

brunch for lunch consists of: deep-fried french toast sticks, eggs, and sausage links.

i’m sure this combination is wildly popular amongst our youngest students, and i understand why it makes a regular appearance on the menu, but from my perspective, it’s a good excuse to try and take lunch off campus.

even though i had no invitations for a strategy meeting at chipotle, lady luck shined on me.

I left my seat in search of croutons. on days like these, it is important to be creative. since i was only receiving minimal satisfaction from the breakfast items, i also had a bowl of chicken soup. however this soup was lacking something, and that something was croutons.

as i strode towards the salad bar, i immediately became distracted. what is this big bowl of green? i spied a new addition. guacamole!

new plan. grab a bowl and load it up with guacamole and chips before anyone else sees this delicacy.

i returned to the table extremely pleased with myself. steve looked up slowly upon my return. the other members of the table looked over. “what is that. . .?”

without any further words, all six of my table-mates slowly stood so as to not attract attention and headed towards the salad bar. all six returned with guacamole.

i finished the day with a happy belly.

3 Comments so far

  1. Will Hayes on April 17th, 2008

    I, for one, like brunch for lunch. I don’t see how you couldn’t.

  2. betsy on April 24th, 2008

    The toast sticks. The eggs. The sausage. Skillfully made to be a masterful culinary creation. It is the one lunch menu I mark out in my calendar. So good!

  3. Noah on May 1st, 2008

    I am not a fan of brunch for lunch either. Im with you Mr. Colianni

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