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{ Monthly Archives } November 2008


The first snow of the year is always a bit magical, even if it is only a little dusting. Waking up and looking outside to see snow makes my heart skip a little bit. Think of all the fun things we’ll be doing in the snow!

Green Car of the Year

First time a diesel has won the award! LA 2008 Green Car of the Year We’re waiting for the wagon version at our local dealership… it might be a while they tell us. Where are all the hatchbacks and wagons?

Say Goodbye to BlackBerry?

Sorry, Mr. President. Please surrender your BlackBerry. via Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can – PGP anyone? I think there are some pretty secure ways that he could continue to use email…


listening to more vinyl has its positives and negatives. on the negative, there are no scrobblers for vinyl, so you can’t see that I’m listening to the electric moog orchestra. on the positive, you can’t see that I’m listening to the electric moog orchestra.

Electronic Wasteland

There was a segment on 60 minutes tonight, exposing the illegal exporting of e-waste to china, where it is broken down in conditions that have contributed to health problems for citizens of the region. Electronic Wasteland Unfortunately, they didn’t really offer any solutions or suggestions on what we might do about it. I think it […]


man, I don’t know, but this photo brings tears to my eyes: November 4th, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC (borrowed / stolen from… he is a great source of all things internetty)

Great article from the New Yorker archives

i think this is a great article on Obama, before he was on the national scene. Jan Schakowsky told me about a recent visit she had made to the White House with a congressional delegation. On her way out, she said, President Bush noticed her “obama” button. “He jumped back, almost literally,” she said. “And […]