Whittling down the reading pile…
My stack of books keeps growing. Like my Netflix queue, but with more taunt. (As the pile of books sits, physically, by my bedside, whereas the Netflix queue is a bit more ethereal.)
I just finished reading Feed by M.T. Anderson. It’s in the pile of books known as “work books”, aka books tangentially related to my job. (I’m not sure if What Went Wrong by Bernard Lewis
 counts… I checked it out from the school’s library)
I very much enjoy books and movies set in some dystopian future where people are reliant on, or slave to, some sort of “web” of information, and Feed fit the bill perfectly. It’s billed as a “Young adult” novel, but I think it would be appropriate for anyone who has ever walked around in public with a bluetooth earphone in their ear… while not actually speaking with anyone.
The basic premise of the book is that the internet is in your brain, and society has devolved significantly. Idiocracy meets Minority Report.
It’s a good read. I’d highly recommend it if you’re feeling just a bit too connected these days…
I have the same problem. And I keep buying books! It’s an illness.
I disagree…
I checked my history earlier today, 41,232 pages. Does that make me a genius? Or just a Stumble addict?