Grad school?

Graduate school forces you to overinvest: It’s too high risk.

via Don’t try to dodge the recession with grad school | Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist.

This was an interesting article to read as I occaisionally entertain the thought…

2 Comments so far

  1. Lopez on March 3rd, 2009

    Very interesting article. I’m only 50% sold on her arguments. I completed grad school and have a good deal of debt to show for it (unfortunate). In addition, I choose not to go into the specific field I studied for (also unfortunate). However, I came out of the experience with more knowledge, confidence and maturity (very fortunate). Do the gains outweigh the debt…not sure.

  2. Jean on March 3rd, 2009

    “Once you adjust for IQ, education, and working hours, post-PhD science jobs are among the most low-paying jobs you could get.”


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