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{ Monthly Archives } May 2009

being a good parent

In short: we are being brainwashed with fear and it makes us worry that everything we do as parents may be putting our kids in danger. That’s why we judge other parents so harshly, and why we keep our kids cloistered like Rapunzel. Don’t get me wrong. As founder of the Free-Range Kids movement—a group […]

Picture of the day

Welcome to my new feature. Picture of the Day. I will guarantee right now that I won’t update every day. But I’ll do my best. I guarantee it. Purple, yellow, green

parents these days

. . . raising children in the United States now isn’t more dangerous than it was when today’s generation of parents were young. And back then, it was reasonably safe, too. So why does shooing the kids outside and telling them to have fun and be home by dark seem irresponsible to so many middle-class […]

Morning Notes

Up a bit earlier than normal this morning… here’s a collection of stuff I was reading… Eurostar, the high-speed rail link between Paris, London and Brussels, said last week it was raising its target to cut emissions because it had already reached its original goals — three years early. Seems to me that its time […]