Mountaintop Removal
A Plea To President Obama: End Mountaintop Coal Mining by James Hansen: “Mountaintop removal, which provides a mere 7 percent of the nation’s coal, is done by clear-cutting forests, blowing the tops off of mountains, and then dumping the debris into streambeds — an undeniably catastrophic way of mining. This technique has buried more than 800 miles of Appalachian streams in mining debris and by 2012 will have serious damaged or destroyed an area larger than Delaware. Mountaintop removal also poisons water supplies and pollutes the air with coal and rock dust. Coal ash piles are so toxic and unstable that the Department of Homeland Security has declared that the location of the nation’s 44 most hazardous coal ash sites must be kept secret. They fear terrorists will find ways to spill the toxic substances. But storms and heavy rain can do the same. A recent collapse in Tennessee released 100 times more hazardous material than the Exxon-Valdez oil spill.”
(Via WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future.)
One thing you can do is call Xcel and ask to be on the 100% windsource program. Also, call or email your legislator and ask them to support policies that would end the process.