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{ Monthly Archives } July 2009

more on health care

if you’re interested in reading more on the subject, including comparisons to other health systems around the world, here’s a good article… In his new book The Healing of America, the journalist T.R. Reid employs a clever device for surveying the world’s health systems: He takes an old shoulder injury to doctors in various countries. […]

it’s all about choices

Remember back to July of 2001, if you can. Do remember the massive $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut that President Bush signed into law? Lines up pretty nicely with the $1 trillion dollar health care plan, doesn’t it… It’s all about choices. More over at TPM — Let the Record Show

The problem of digital content

The problem is… who owns it and what is it worth? “This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. These were books that they had bought and paid for—thought they owned. But no, apparently the publisher changed its mind […]

My Senator

I love how he has identified the fundamental hypocrisy of “judicial activism”. (Emphasis mine) I agree with Senator Feingold and Senator Whitehouse that we hear a lot about judicial activism when politicians talk about what kind of judge they want in the Supreme Court. But it seems that their definition of an activist judge is […]

Classilla: Building a Secure Web Browser for Mac OS 9 and the Classic Macintosh OS

Classilla: Building a Secure Web Browser for Mac OS 9 and the Classic Macintosh OS I know I’m a total nerd, but I love this stuff…

information wants to be free?

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker: “And there’s plenty of other information out there that has chosen to run in the opposite direction from Free. The Times gives away its content on its Web site. But the Wall Street Journal has found that more than a million subscribers are quite […]