wikimedia foundation

I love a break from work. It is a chance to sit, reflect and think about things.

One thing I’ve been meaning to do is donate to the wikimedia foundation. Just a little bit, (but every little bit counts).

Wikipedia has become a part of my daily life, I can’t think of a day that goes by where I don’t look something up on wikipedia. I want this kind of access to knowledge available to my kids, my students, and people around the world.

By the way, this was the past few days of wikipedia:

Yinz (A second person plural pronoun regional to Pittsburg)

Lady Gaga (I admit it, I like her music)

Scallion (Same as a green onion)

Two things to know – 330 million people read the wikipedia each month, and they are a non-profit with 35 employees.

Think about how much you use the wikipedia and consider a donation as well.


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