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{ Monthly Archives } December 2010

What he said

Props to Bernie Sanders. If you don’t want to watch the entire 9 hours (and I don’t either) I think the first 12 minutes are worthwhile: He states towards the end of this segment that the estate tax only applies to the richest .3% of Americans. I did not know that. Here’s a bit more […]


From a rather interesting article (Why Elizabeth Edwards Left God Out of Her Last Goodbye) about Elizabeth Edwards’ faith: “Such openness to doubt and, in particular, to the persistence of suffering runs counter to powerful currents of American Christianity that stress the blessings (mostly material) that will flow to those who believe (and donate), as […]

Want to get your head around Wikileaks?

The crux of the WikiLeaks debate – Glenn Greenwald – “but this segment, in my view, really highlights the core disputes — and many of the misconceptions and falsehoods — at the heart of this controversy, one that I think will be seen as easily one of the most important political developments of the […]

As Daring Fireball said… Not a Joke

The U.S. State Department: The United States is pleased to announce that it will host UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day event in 2011, from May 1 – May 3 in Washington, D.C. UNESCO is the only UN agency with the mandate to promote freedom of expression and its corollary, freedom of the press. (Via Daring […]

Friedman on Wikileaks

The Big American Leak – “. . . going through the WikiLeaks cables has made for some fascinating reading. What’s between the lines in those cables, though, is another matter. It is a rather sobering message. America is leaking power.”

Various Wikileaks Items

I’ve been following the wikileaks story pretty closely, but I’m less interested in what they’re releasing and more interested in what wikileaks means for the future of free speech here and elsewhere. I don’t think it is an understatement to say that wikileaks will shake the American foundation of “free speech” and “freedom of the […]

Health Expenditure as a percentage of GDP

Health Care Costs as a percent of GDP vs Year with US Presidential Terms, originally uploaded by jameyer. Hmm, strange… in 1980 and in 2000 there was a dramatic increase…