Archive for August, 2011

Did you know the Target Center has a green roof?

I did not!

Installed in September of 2009, the green roof is nearing the end of its second full summer. So far so good, says Tom Reller, senior director of operations for the Target Center. “The city wanted to make a sustainable choice with this roof and except for one little bad spot that had to be fixed, everything has been going really well up here.”

From The Line

Designing cities for bicycling

We’ll get there at some point… The key is being able to cycle to work without all the sweating.

The Dutch Way – Bicycles and Fresh Bread –

More important, I think, is mind-set. Take bicycles. The advent of bike lanes in some American cities may seem like a big step, but merely marking a strip of the road for recreational cycling spectacularly misses the point. In Amsterdam, nearly everyone cycles, and cars, bikes and trams coexist in a complex flow, with dedicated bicycle lanes, traffic lights and parking garages. But this is thanks to a different way of thinking about transportation.