report on a wet ride in to work
I’ve made a goal for this school year: to bike to work on Mondays. All year.
So, before the year actually gets underway, the weather today presented a bit of an opportunity in the form of a rainstorm. Let’s try out these fenders! Does this rain jacket actually hold up? Should I bike in these shoes in the rain? Will I get drenched? Am I insane?
The answers to those questions are presented below in list form:
- No
- No
- Yes
- Not totally.
Luckily wet jeans, socks and shoes are only temporary. Character lasts a lifetime.
How was the actual ride?
Well, I was cruising faster than normal due to the reduced traffic on my preferred bikeways. I did pass one other gentleman who was seemingly oblivious to the deluge. He was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, no helmet, and a european satchel slung over his shoulder.
Being outside in the rain on a bike sounds (aurally) amazing.
The branches that I typically will pass with a comfortable whisper collided with my helmet like I imagine salmon falling from the sky might sound as they hit the pavement. (Wet, slappy)
The fenders were amazing, not a lick of spray coming from below. My lights were flashing and generally making me look like a Christmas tree on wheels, so that was also a positive.
15 minutes door to door, and a big smile on my face when I arrived. (To the laughter of fellow employees)
Things to remember for next time:
Rain pants.
Rain boots.