You gotta keep ’em separated

Offspring, anyone?

Segregated bike lanes the way of the future

“A main theme that emerged was the need for cities to create a network of separated bicycle lanes, said Jamie Stuckless, an active transportation planner who works with Green Communities Canada in Ottawa.

‘The first one that I heard repeated over and over again was the need to create a network of segregated bike lanes that actually get people where they want to go,’ Stuckless said.

Stuckless said she was surprised by the number of city officials from around the world who spoke to say that painted bike lanes are a thing of the past and they are no longer investing money in that type of infrastructure.

Emphasis mine

(Via The Case for Separated Bike Lanes – Commute – The Atlantic Cities.)

I would argue that it’s all good, bike lanes and separated bikeways. It all adds raising the profile of the biker as part of the transportation mix of a city. Locally, the bike boulevard on Bryant ave is a step in the right direction, but the Midtown Greenway and Cedar Lake Trail are the gold standard. Imagine a network of Midtown Greenway-esque extending 10 miles out in downtown minneapolis in hub and spoke fashion. Would make it pretty nice to commute by bike without mixing it up with the cars. Closing Bryant ave. to all cars except local traffic might be interesting…

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