Cargo Bikes

I’m going to go ahead and say I was ahead of the curve on this one…

I got curious about the phenomenon, which clearly has charmed one of society’s more frazzled groups: parents of young children. According to one observer, this has been a steadily growing “quiet movement” for many years.

From ‘This is not a blip’: A quiet movement grows on San Francisco’s streets

We bought our cargo bike in 2013, and in 2012 I was test riding a few. We bought ours without e-assist, which was… a lot of work.

We added the e-assist in 2016, which was a game changer. But, the kids got older, and I couldn’t justify keeping it in the garage. We sold it in 2021 and I sill miss riding it around loaded with kids, dogs, groceries or whatever.

It’s an amazing option for anyone with a reasonable “bike score” who’s looking for a car replacement. Highly recommend it for everything the article talks about.

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