Archive for the 'Media' Category

Matrix Links

I thought I would drop two more Matrix links on here…

This first article is the closest to what I think is going on. I know I’ve just posted a few links here and there, and not really fleshing out some sort of theory. I don’t really have the knowledge and background to really dive into it, but originally I was thinking “layers” or “The Matrix within a Matrix”. John was pretty much against this all along, but being the open-minded fellow he is, he heard me out.

I’ve pretty much dropped that theory now, and I’m running with Neo being imprinted with some computer code that helps him stop the machines in the real world. I’m not completely convinced that he is actually human, regardless of what the Architect says. Basically I don’t know.

Here’s what I’m still not understanding. What do the multiple iterations of Neo on all the computer monitors during the Architect scene mean? To me it looked like hundreds of different reactions to the Architects questions. And the way we were entering and leaving the monitors pointed to multiple, parallel Matrices.

So basically, I haven’t a clue.

Matrix Article #1, (or #3 I think, depending on how you want to count it.)

What follows is a series of explorations of the meaning of certain scenes as well as how the matrix hangs together as a whole. DonĂ­t read any further if you want to avoid spoilers!

A transcript of the Architect / Neo talk, with notes.



yeah that’s a big old free marketing plug for them. oh well, the album is sweet.

many people over the years (since radiohead got “weird”) have asked me how in the world I can listen to them. they’re so weird and dreary and depressing! they say.

there are radiohead songs that give me the goosebumps everytime i hear them. the music just affects me like none other that exists. can’t explain it. they make music worth listening to.

Finding Nemo

nemo.jpgWe went to see Finding Nemo last week. The movie was wonderful. The cheesy disney-moment count was only 1. Good score. The animation was amazing. There are once again funny little adult jokes peppered into the script. They showed a trailer for “The Incredibles” and that looks absolutely hilarious. Pixar just keeps knocking them out, and I love it!

Another Excellent Matrix Article

The Matrix way of knowledge

From the Gnostic gospels to the visions of Descartes to the shamanic quests of Eastern mystics, the Wachowski brothers’ pop opus weaves a dense web of philosophical and metaphysical allusions.

You’ll have to watch a Salon Premium advert before you can read… choose the day pass option on the lower right.

Matrix Reloaded

Only after actually seeing the movie are you allowed to read this, (no cheating, this covers the whole thing! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

This is the most well-researched analysis I’ve found yet of Reloaded. Please feel free to let me know if you agree/disagree or just want to chat about it. I’m always in the mood to do a little popcorn-philosophizing about the matrix.


I’ve sat here for a few minutes, staring at the screen, trying to come up with something coherent, intelligent, adhering to the rules of the english language, anything. and I’m having trouble doing that.

I’m pretty much in a state of shock. Everything I just saw has so completely knocked me on my ass, I won’t even try to give you some sort of review. I can only suggest that you go see this movie.

To try and give you an idea: I was so completely gripped, so completely engaged in the movie, I could not move for the last hour and a half. I sat, mouth agape, goosebumps all over, arms limp.

Maybe one or two observations: (I won’t give anything away)

  • I had purposely avoided all media related to the movie prior to seeing it. However I had gathered a few things based on the one trailer I saw, and one story about the technology.
  • It went far beyond what I had guessed was going to happen.
  • The main action scene that has been hyped is, in my opinion, probably the greatest special effect acheivements in a movie, ever.
  • I am so completely dissapointed and dissolutioned with Star Wars now it’s not even funny. (I may even consider selling my Darth Vader, okay maybe not)
  • Seriously, first the Lord of the Rings, and now this? My new rankings:
    1. The Matrix
    2. Lord of the Rings
    3. Star Wars
  • The soundtrack, once again, is awesome.
  • If there was ever a sci-fi movie that was not a sci-fi movie (as I was trying to explain to a co-worker yesterday) this is it.

That’s all I can give right now. I’m going to see it again soon. Anybody want to go?

Some people from college will remember this, but when the original Matrix came out, I saw it right away (almost by accident) and then proceeded to see it about 8-10 times in the theatre as I went along with different groups of friends. I could definately see that happening again.

The Adventures of Mixerman.

Ever wondered what it was like to work as a sound engineer for a up and coming band? Here’s the inside scoop:

On Monday July 27, I begin a new project. I will be recording an album of a band for a very famous Producer. The band is relatively unknown other than within the Record Industry which, for the most part, is currently filled with bitter losers of the biggest bidding war in the history of the music business.

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