NPR ran a series of stories about the War on Drugs recently. The main idea being that the War on Drugs has failed because there has been too much focus on the supply and not enough focus on the demand.
They went through a number of different reasons why the focus is on the supply, and chief among them is that it’s simply easier to point at the tons and tons of drugs you’ve seized, and much harder to make a case for the drug addict that you’re helping wean off heroin. Makes sense from a marketing standpoint sure, but it seems people in government are actually getting serious about working on the demand side of the equation.
Another big topic of conversation lately has been immigration. First of all, I find it pretty hard to be “anti-immigration”. Give me your tired, weak and hungry! America is the place, always has been. I’m not sure what would’ve happened to my family had they not been allowed to stay. Or worse yet, how would my Great-Grandparents have liked getting forced back to their home countries, leaving their newly created families behind.
As I heard President Bush on the radio today, trying to turn syllables into words and sentences, I drew a parallel between the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Immigrants”. Read more »