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great article about the california high-speed rail project in the new york times magazine over the weekend: Getting Up to Speed it’s going to require a political will that is practically unheard of… I can’t even imagine all of the backyards they’re going to have to criss-cross to make it work. Apart from the breathtaking […]

Bullet Train

To sell his vision of a high-speed train network to the American public, President Barack Obama this week cited Spain, a country most people dont associate with futuristic bullet trains. via Spains Bullet Train Changes Nation — and Fast – Great article about the progress Spain has made with regards to rail travel. This […]

Obama Seeks High-Speed Rail System for U.S. –

The government has identified 10 corridors, each from 100 to 600 miles long, with greatest promise for high-speed development. They are: a northern New England line; an Empire line running east to west in New York State; a Keystone corridor running laterally through Pennsylvania; a major Chicago hub network; a southeast network connecting the District […]

It’s full steam ahead on Minnesota rail plans

With $8 billion in federal grants for high-speed rail corridors and intercity passenger rail up for grabs, Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Friday ordered a statewide study to determine the best rail projects for which Minnesota should pursue stimulus funding. via It’s full steam ahead on Minnesota rail plans. I’m pretty sure that this is the […]

High-speed train from Chicago: Next stop, Minneapolis?

With $8 billion in the federal stimulus package devoted to high-speed rail projects, supporters of the long-planned high-speed train from Chicago to St. Paul are scrambling to prepare a proposal strong enough to grab some of that money. via High-speed train from Chicago: Next stop, Minneapolis?. It wasn’t clear to me if this was “High-Speed” […]

TGV Breaks Record (353mph)

Rail to Duluth?

According to the StarTribune, "Plan for rail service to Duluth gains steam". What I’d really like to see is faster rail service to Chicago! I wonder if there are any plans in the works for that? Maybe I’ll email Jim Oberstar… Tags: amtrak, trains, rail