Emilia's Journal

notes from mom and dad

Dear Emilia,


You have been here almost a week now, and it is clear you are the center of our world. Your Dad and I could spend hours just watching you (and do)! I know you won’t stay this small forever, and I just wanted to tell you what I have loved about your first week of life.

Nap Time

Day-long snuggles
Baby squeeks
Contented sighs (both yours and ours)
Sleep smiles
Your baby smell
Watching you sleep peacefully
Laughing about you filling your diaper right after we change you
Burps that sound way too loud to come from you
Watching you look at the world with wide, curious eyes
Sharing you with people who love you almost as much as we do
Feeling so full of love that we might burst

Big Eyes

Those are just a few of the things that I hope to remember as you grow. We look forward to all the things yet to come.

Love, Mom

One Comment

  1. Nina
    10:51 am on December 9th, 2008

    Sonja, I love reading these…. Way to go! Emilia looks beautiful. I would love to hear her birth story. How did things go? From what I read sounded like ‘cake’. Wishin you well.