Emilia's Journal

notes from mom and dad

Dear Emilia,

I’m sorry for the display of incompetence and general lack of preparedness that I just put you through. At approximately 6:55Pm, we discovered a poopy diaper. Grandma had just left, so we will have to question her knowledge of the situation later. Anyways, this was your first big diaper change since arriving home, so I went for it.

The situation was worse than I thought when I opened up your layers of clothing (fleece suit, onsie, diaper). Yep, there was a lot more than I had prepared for (one moist baby-wipe). In my defense on the baby-wipe, we are currently using the non-pre-wet variety, as that was recommended by the hospital to prevent diaper rash.

As I began to clean you up, my limited training failed me. Things were stickier and more voluminous than I had expected. I blew through the original wipe in an extremely inefficient manner (I was flustered, and my attempt at folding and flipping turned into a wet-crumply-poopy mess, it won’t happen again)

I called for backup, and I’m sorry Emi, but things went from bad to worse. You began to urinate, and luckily I had placed the new diaper under your old one (thank you matt for that trick, if I hadn’t come out to visit who knows how this diaper change would’ve ended). However, I think because it was hotter in LA and I was dealing with less clothing on Madeline, I didn’t quite get everything out of the way. So you peed on your onesie.

All's well that ends well.At that point, everything had to come off, I was still discovering poop here and there, and after a lot of kicking, screaming and crying we had you put back together. (Most of the progress on the re-dressing came when you temporarily ran out of energy and fell asleep)

Anyway, you are now sleeping contently in your bouncy chair. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge, and future changes will go much more smoothly. I promise.




  1. Uncle Joey
    7:49 pm on December 3rd, 2008

    a big poopy mess involves some crying, that tires you out, and makes you want to sleep? You are now officially a part the family!

  2. Auntie Jean
    7:54 pm on December 3rd, 2008

    Sounds like you and your dad both survived your first pooptastrophe. Just wait until you get to Vail and get “mountain butt.” Then your dad will be in real trouble on the diaper changes!

  3. these little things sure are awesome at covering themselves in poop and pee.

    here’s some more advice…

    practice, practice, practice and still you will fail.

  4. It took me until child #2 to learn (from a friend even) to use the soiled diaper to wipe away as much whatever as possible. THEN move in with the wipes. Saves you on wipes plus you aren’t tackling such, um, volume, with a tiny square of nearly nothing.
    Good luck.

  5. thank you for the tip. keep ’em coming! luckily, my wife (when called in for backup) showed me the same technique. I had another test last night, and this time I performed much better!

  6. Grandma C
    1:59 pm on December 4th, 2008

    Guess I left just in the nick of time! Sorry, I wasn’t there to help. Sort of!
    The best part is she’ll never remember! Except that it is permanently recorded on the internet. Hmm. You are both doing great at parenting so far! Keep up the good work!