Emilia's Journal

notes from mom and dad


I love you too!


Dear Emilia-

Today was a very special day. It is Easter Sunday, and also your baptism. We got up early to get you ready; you wore the same dress that Grandma K had made for my baptism. You also wore the bonnet that Grandma C brought back from Thailand. When we got to the church, your Godparents, Teri and Diane brought you a special present from Teri’s mom – a beautiful cross for you to wear on your special day. You were very excited about the kite that they were waving during the ceremony and were happy to look around the church most of the time. 

Here you are with your Godparents:


And here you are with us and your grandparents:


Here is you being baptized:3435484905_80f0ef6daa_b3436289582_3221074b7c_b3436290610_42218f87f7_b

You were surprised by the cold water, but quickly forgot about it and were happy to celebrate. We told the Vicar, Aron, that you liked baths, so he was surprised when you let out a loud wail! Then, Teri and Diane received your light.3435488875_bda40086f0_b

Afterwards, we went to Grandma K’s for brunch to celebrate. You were full of smiles again! Teri and Diane gave you a glass window of beach glass butterflies to remind you of the importance of transformation. The beach glass is transformed by the sea, the caterpillar by emergence from the cocoon, and you by God’s love. 


Although you may not remember this day when you get older, we hope that you remember the love that surrounds you always.

Dear Emilia,

This week was your first week at daycare. I was very sad to leave you after we had spent four months together at home. I cried when I dropped you off, but I felt better knowing that you were going to love it at Theresa’s house. She has all sorts of wonderful toys and books and kids’ music, a stroller for walks, and a huge yard for playing. Plus, your new friends William and Hudson are there. Since they are 8 and 5 months older than you, they are lots of fun to watch and learn things from. The report from your first day was: “Emilia had a great first day 🙂 She seemed to enjoy observing the busyness of the boys playing, listening to a variety of kids CDs, grabbing at and chewing on toys, etc. She is such a delight!” By the end of the week you had been on lots of walks, played in the exersaucer, and learned to knock over blocks with the boys. The best part of my day is getting to pick you up and seeing how happy you are and all the new things you are doing. Here are some pictures of your first week. img_4259img_4268img_4284img_4292img_4303img_4326We are so happy that we found Theresa to help us take care of you while we are at work. You seem to love it there and are going to learn so much! You’ll be walking and talking before we know it.

Love you, Mom

Dear Emilia,

Quick on the heels of your first plane trip, we packed up again for a trip to Mexico for spring break! We met your friend Maddy and her dad Matt for a week. It was Maddy’s first birthday, but unfortunately, you’re too young to enjoy some birthday cake…

We stayed in a beautiful location right on the beach. I took this picture from the balcony one morning when you woke up early.






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You and I have spent a lot of time inside this winter since it has been pretty cold. Because of it, you have had lots of time to practice new skills. Here are some of the things you have starting doing over the past couple months. 

Lots of Talking at 9-10 weeks


Rolling over at 11 weeks


Grabbing for things at 12 weeks

Hearty belly laughs at 12-13 weeks

You have been pretty busy practicing these things and I have loved seeing you learn new things. I can’t wait to see what you do next. 
Love, Mom