Emilia's Journal

notes from mom and dad


You and I have spent a lot of time inside this winter since it has been pretty cold. Because of it, you have had lots of time to practice new skills. Here are some of the things you have starting doing over the past couple months. 

Lots of Talking at 9-10 weeks


Rolling over at 11 weeks


Grabbing for things at 12 weeks

Hearty belly laughs at 12-13 weeks

You have been pretty busy practicing these things and I have loved seeing you learn new things. I can’t wait to see what you do next. 
Love, Mom

Dear Emi-

This week you and I went to Vail, Colorado to visit Grandma Colianni. It took you a day or so to adjust to the mountain air- but then you had lots of smiles for us. Unfortunately, whenever we went out for walks- you decided it was naptime! Here are some pictures of your first plane ride and trip to Colorado. 

Your first plane trip1st plane rideQuality time with Grandma

With Grandma C

Laughing at your new pink cowgirl boots from Wild Bill’s


At the ski hill


Enjoying the wall of mirrors at the condo


Posing with Shakespeare


Out on the town


We had a great girls trip, and maybe in a couple years you will be able to try skiing! It is so much fun sharing the places we love with you. Maybe next time we’ll bring Daddy. 

Love, Mom

Dear Emilia,

You’ve started laughing at us! We could tell that this was just around the corner for the last few days. Whenever I change your diaper, you love to look around the room and smile at me. We’ve been teaching you bad habits by blowing rasberries at you. Both of your Grandmas tell us not to teach you stuff like that because it will come back to haunt us. I’m willing to take that risk for now.

Anyways, a few days ago, I gave you a zerbert on your belly. (rasberry, or “blubber kiss” as your Colianni relatives will call it)

You immediately froze and gave me a new look. Total shock. I imagined you thinking, What the heck was that?

Immediately following the shock and awe was another huge smile, so I figured that I hadn’t yet scarred you for life.

Last night I gave you another blubber kiss, and this time you responded with a full-on laugh. I didn’t believe my ears for a second, and through my own laughter I called for your mom. “Sonja! You have to see this!” I called.

She came running in the room, and I did it again. More laughs.

Along with the first time you cried, moments after you were born, It’s one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever heard.

Love, Dad


There are so many things that happen with you that make us laugh. Some are things you do, some are things we do with you, and some are both. Since we feel it is important to able to laugh, even at yourself sometimes, here are some of our favorites.

What's on My NoseNot Morning Yet!Hmmmm . . .Funny DreamOnesie YodaLook at What I Can Do!Onesie Jar Jar Binks"Go Team"Crazy HappyRosy glasses

Thanks for making our days brighter!

Love, Mom

Dear Emilia,

Today was your first outing after coming home from the hospital. We took Yeti to the vet for some vaccinations, went to Java Jack’s (refueling for mom and dad), picked up some christmas lights at Bachmann’s, and stopped at Petco for some dog kibble. You slept the entire outing! You looked very cute doing it though, because you were wearing the outfit that Grandma K made for me to wear home from the hospital.
