Dear Emilia,
What a day the three of us have had. It started at about 5:45 yesterday morning when I woke up feeling a little crampy. I didn’t want to wake your Dad yet, in case it was nothing, and he would need to get up to go to work. As I laid there the crampy feeling continued. I couldn’t help feeling excited that this might be the beginnings of your entrance to the world.
Daddy’s alarm finally went off and I let him know that he should probably stay home. He looked at me with a disbelieving smile and asked, “REALLY?!” We got up, dressed, and decided to go for a walk since we had been told that this could help move things along. It was about 20 degrees outside but sunny with snow covering everything. Just the kind of day I imagined you were waiting for . We tried going about our day as contractions came and went. By 2:30 pm the contractions were coming about every 4-5 minutes, and by 4:30 pm we decided it was time to go to the hospital.
I wanted to walk in, but had to stop a few times for contractions. There were mostly funny smiles from everyone we passed, since it was pretty clear what we were doing there. By the time we got checked in, I was dilated to 5 cm. We passed the next several hours walking the halls, sitting on a yoga ball, and trying to relax in the tub. It was 12:00 am on December 2nd when I started to push you out and into our arms.
The next couple hours were tough for both of us, and Daddy helped us through with coaching and lots of hand squeezing. At 2:14 am (one minute before nurse Mindy predicted) you entered the world with one tiny cry and then eyes wide open to examine your new surroundings. Daddy cut your cord with the help of Dr. Harris, before they dried and weighed you.
After waiting and wanting you so much- you were finally in our arms. We could not believe that we had created such a miracle. I wish every moment could last a lifetime as we watch you change and grow. Welcome to the world Emilia, we are here to give you all the love we have.
Love, Mom