Emilia's Journal

notes from mom and dad

Dear Emilia,

You are almost a week old, and it seems like you are gaining new expressions every day. They say that these smiles are involuntary, but it seems clear that you know our voices when we talk to you.

You are already growing so much. We’ve spent what seems like hours just watching, as if you will sprout inches, grow more hair or get chubby cheeks spontaneously. And then, when we turn away or lay you down to sleep, you wake up slightly different.

You had your second car ride today, and your first trip to the coffee shop. You were completely content to ride along, and you slept through all of the falling snow.

Tonight was our seventh wedding anniversary, and we celebrated it by eating sushi, something your mom loves and wasn’t allowed to eat when pregnant with you.

We have much to celebrate and be thankful for, but most of all we were celebrating this anniversary in honor of you. There were lots of big smiles all around! 😀

Love, Dad

Dear Emilia,

It’s amazing to watch you and think about how you came from your Mom and I. Everyone likes to pick out little parts of you here and there that look like us. It’s still hard to tell what color your eyes and hair will be, but it seems like traits become more apparent by the hour. One thing that we know for sure is that your eyebrow muscles are all mine:

We are pleased to introduce you to our daughter, Emilia Linnea Colianni.

Emilia was born December 2nd, 2008 at 2:14am. She weighed 7lbs 3.8oz at birth and measured 20 inches long.

Mom and Dad are very tired, but extremely happy! Thank you for all of the notes, calls, and comments. We look forward to introducing her in person!

Love A.J. and Sonja